As education is highly valued in society, the very people who provide that platform are being threatened and attacked by students across the country. And these threats and attacks are getting worse.
Here at BRS Ltd, we provide the right training for Teachers to protect themselves in the classroom. Before we get to this, let’s just zoom into Wales where we are based, the number of teachers being assaulted is skyrocketing.
According to BBC News in January 2016:
“Four in 10 teachers 'attacked by pupils’”
The article reads further: “Four out of 10 teachers have experienced violence from pupils in the past year, a survey for the ATL teachers union suggests.
Of those who had experienced violence, 77% said they had been pushed, and around half were kicked or had an object thrown at them.
Nine out of 10 staff had dealt with challenging behaviour, such as swearing or shouting, in the past year…” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/education-35431782
Then a June 2023 headline release by the BBC reads:
“Violence against teachers cases tip of iceberg - union”
The article reads further: “Thousands of cases of classroom violence recorded in Wales are "the tip of the iceberg", a union has said.
One special school teacher, who wanted to remain anonymous, said he had been assaulted numerous times: "Spat at, punched, headbutted, kicked, bitten.”…” https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-65905403
And the latest headline just a few days ago
“Teachers to strike over ‘violent and aggressive behaviour' at Welsh school”
If violence is not prevented in homes, due to various reasons, it will spill out into the classrooms, streets, etc. and teachers need to equip themselves. More than that, the faculty needs to provide training to equip their teachers to stay safe and in control of their classrooms, for their own safety and the safety of other students that do not cause violence, so that the education of our children can continue. As we said before, we provide just that type of training. Our training courses range from:
a Level 1 PMVA: which we look at Law/Legislation + De-escalation,
a Level 2 PMVA: which covers Law/Legislation + De-escalation and Breakaway Techniques,
and a Level 3 PMVA: which covers all of the above and Safe Restraint Training.
We are providing training for schools and universities across the UK, places like ACT. Training, Brunel University, Cumbria University, Huddersfield University, and more.
Contact us today for more info and to book a training with us.