This course is designed to equip those who may have to deal with an armed assailant.
Course Topics
The course covers:
Realise that self-defence/disarming techniques are used when all other options have failed, it is a last resort
Understand the different UK laws that cover you in defence of yourself
Your best options when faced with a weapon is to run away if possible.
Remember your first duty of care is to yourself
If possible, remove yourself safely from the situation, only try to disarm the assailant when all other options have failed
How to deal with certain assaults against a person
Learn how to effectively disarm and remove the weapon from static holds
Learn how to effectively disarm and remove the weapon from assailants lunging movements
Know the quickest & safest escape from strangles / dealing with blunt & sharp weapons
How to apply an effective stance, in order to deal with head butts, punches and kicks
Assess and use your environment, thus working out the quickest possible escape route to minimize confrontation
Remember in self defence you can get hurt, where a weapon is used it can be your life!!
The course is designed for your input. The two days course is a basic introduction to basic techniques.