What People Say
The people who we work with make it all worthwhile. Reach out if you have questions about any of our courses.

"Amazing trainers that have given us so much more confidence and would highly recommend this company. They have spent fifteen days with us training our trainers to a very high standard. Hamad Medical Corporation are extremely grateful for the training you have delivered.
Lead training educator for
Hamad Medical Corporation

"Our team thoroughly enjoyed the training, and we didn't have any negative comments. One of our team members is ex police and has been on this sort of training a lot! He said to me that this was one of the best sessions he has ever been on. All team members said it was much, much better than the training we had had the year before (with another provider).
You guys were brilliant all round and when we have our training dates sorted for next year, we will be giving you a call John. Many thanks. "
Breakthrough Transformation Trust
"Wanted to let you know that I've crunched some numbers on the training sessions so far: feedback ... has been overwhelmingly positive, with everyone saying that your training would be useful in a clinical environment and all of those who had done previous training reporting that your is better than what they have previously experienced. Your trainers have been praised as excellent."
A&E Doctor, Northwick Park Hospital, London
"Over the last 15 years I have most probably tried every company that has training to do with dealing with violence and aggression and must admit that this company have been by far the best we have ever used"
Manager of a Care Home, UK
"Excellent balance between the law and the physical aspect of what you can and cannot do. Highly recommend this course"
Mental Health Nurse, Humber NHS
"The trainers were very polite and patient and went out of their way to make sure we understood the techniques. The best course I have ever attended"
Housing Officer, Housing Plus, Stafford

Supporting our clients in
an expert witness capacity
"After three years I have been cleared of all allegations by an independent panel appointed by the NMC. Basis Training MD at the time, John Davies testimony was a great help and I had the opportunity to fully explain and demonstrate the techniques I have used for years taught to me by Basis Training., now known as BRS Ltd, I was given a fair hearing by the independent panel, and they simply did not believe the nurse who made the allegations after seeing what I had been taught. Three years out of my life but I will get over it. I will never forget those and especially you who helped me.
I want to thank you as that really was what help bring the panel members to their conclusion. Thanks for being that expert witness and good luck for your future."
Mark, (Scotland)